SkillsUSA Washington

Registration: State Leadership & Skills Conference


Get ready for the pinnacle event of the year! The State Leadership & Skills Conference (SLSC) is your opportunity to showcase your talents, compete with the best, and take your leadership skills to the next level.

State Leadership & Skills Conference

Clover Park Technical College 4500 Steilacoom Blvd SW, Lakewood, WA, United States

The State Leadership and Skills Conference is SkillsUSA Washington's premier event, bringing together students, advisors, and industry partners from across the state.

State Officer Elections

State officer elections involve reviewing applications and presentations, conducting interviews, and participating in the selection process for new officer candidates.

SkillsUSA Washington Manufacturing Assembler State Competition

Boeing Everett Factory 3003 W Casino Rd, Everett, United States

Join a day of fun competition and activities at Boeing’s Everett factory. Put your skills to the test with a hands-on project, receive feedback on your resume, and take part in mock interviews.

SkillsUSA National Signing Day


SkillsUSA National Signing Day is a nationwide celebration showcasing our next generation of skilled professionals and the skilled career paths that have been, are and always will be essential to America’s future.

Board of Directors Meeting


We'll discuss strategic plans, student development, and industry partnerships. Shape the future of career and technical education. Learn more!