High School & College/Post-Secondary Competitions
Competition Descriptions
Below is a brief description of each competition currently part of the SkillsUSA Championships for High School & Post-Secondary competitors.
Action Skills
American Spirit
Chapter Business Procedure
Chapter Display
Community Action Project
Community Service
Employment Application Process
Extemporaneous Speaking
Facilithon - Leadership in Facility Management
Job Interview
Job Skill Demonstration A
Job Skill Demonstration Open
Occupational Health and Safety - Multiple
Occupational Health and Safety - Single
Opening and Closing Ceremonies
Outstanding Chapter
Pin Design
Prepared Speech
Promotional Bulletin Board
Quiz Bowl
T-shirt Design
Occupationally Related
Career Pathways - Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
Career Pathways - Arts and Communication
Career Pathways - Business Management and Technology
Career Pathways - Health Science
Career Pathways - Human Services
Career Pathways - Industrial and Engineering Technology
Customer Service
Engineering Technology - Design
First Aid - CPR
Health Knowledge Bowl
Health Occupations Professional Portfolio
Medical Math
Medical Terminology
Principles of Engineering - Technology
Related Technical Math
Skilled and Technical
3D Visualization and Animation
Additive Manufacturing
Advertising Design
Architectural Drafting
Audio-Radio Production
Automated Manufacturing Technology
Automotive Maintenance and Light Repair (High School Only)
Automotive Refinishing Technology
Automotive Service Technology
Aviation Maintenance Technology
Baking and Pastry Arts
Basic Health Care Skills (High School Only)
Building Maintenance
Cabinet Making
CNC 2 - Axis Turning Programmer
CNC 3 - Axis Milling Programmer
CNC 5 - Axis Milling Programmer
CNC Programmer
Collision Damage Appraisal
Collision Repair Technology
Commercial Roofing
Commercial sUAS Drone
Computer Programming
Crime Scene Investigation
Criminal Justice
Culinary Arts
The competition will encompass both hot and cold food preparation and presentation. Competitors will demonstrate their knowledge and skills through the production of menu items meeting industry standards. The competitors are evaluated on organization, knife skills, cooking techniques, creative presentation, sanitation and food safety, and the quality and flavor of their prepared items. High school competitors will create menus to demonstrate required fundamental cooking techniques using items from a common pantry. College/postsecondary students will work from a market basket format and create their own menus using required fundamental cooking techniques.
Cyber Security
Dental Assisting
Diesel Equipment Technology
Digital Cinema Production
Early Childhood Education
Electrical Construction Wiring
Electronics Technology
Emergency Medical Technician
Graphic Communications
Graphics Imaging - Sublimation
Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (HVACR)
Heavy Equipment Operation
Industrial Motor Control
Information Technology Services
Interactive Application and Video Game Development
Internet of Things (IOT) Smart Home
Marine Service Technology
Medical Assisting
Mobile Electronics Installation
Mobile Robotics Technology
(Team of 2) The competition includes activities that simulate situations encountered by robotic programmers and support professionals. Teams are given a task to solve using a mobile robotic system that is built ahead of time and brought to the competition. Teams will have two scored chances to solve the mobile robotic challenge and will be given a design and programming interview. Once a team has performed the required task or set of tasks, a design change may be introduced. Competitors are required to adhere to industry safety standards using the hardware and software they have selected.
For more information, check out the Middle School Game Manual related to this competition.