How to Join

Join as a Student
If you are enrolled in a career and technical education (CTE) program of study or career cluster and are interested in joining SkillsUSA Washington, please view our Region Map to see if your school is listed or speak with your CTE teacher or school counselor to see if your school currently has a SkillsUSA Chapter. If you do – chat with them to learn how to join your school’s chapter.
If your school doesn’t have a chapter have your CTE teacher or counselor reach out to your Region’s Coordinator(s).

Join as a Teacher/Advisor

Total Participation Plan
High School & Middle School Only
SkillsUSA Washington participates in the SkillsUSA Total Participation Plan (TPP).
TPP allows eligible students who are enrolled in technical, skilled and service occupations, including health occupations, to participate in SkillsUSA as an integral part of their education. That means your entire classroom, school or school district can join SkillsUSA on a single plan that covers national dues, state dues and employability skills training materials for students.
Use this plan if your school is a high school, middle school or your district has a combination of both or a combination of high school and college/postsecondary students.

College Campus Affiliation Plan
SkillsUSA Washington participates in the SkillsUSA College Campus Affiliation Plan.
The SkillsUSA Campus Affiliation Plan allows eligible students who are enrolled in technical, skilled and service occupations, including health occupations, to participate in SkillsUSA as an integral part of their education. Under this program, community colleges, technical colleges and adult programs can affiliate as one or combine campus locations together onto one contract. All students enrolled in a technical program that SkillsUSA services must enroll and register under the Affiliation Plan.
Institutions with college students are only eligible to use this plan. If your campus or district has a combination of college and high school students use the Total Participation Plan for high schools and middle schools.