Technical Chair Hub
Welcome to the SkillsUSA Washington Technical Chair Hub
This platform provides a streamlined process for managing competition documents. Here, you can upload scorecards and judge sign-in sheets ensuring easy organization and access. Additionally, we have implemented password-protected pages for each competition, guaranteeing that only the designated technical chair can view and manage the content. This ensures the security and confidentiality of all competition-related materials. Thank you for contributing to a seamless and efficient competition experience.
Expectations of Technical Chairs
- The Technical Chair is responsible for establishing and coordinating all communication with judges, both prior to the event—including scheduling and logistics—and during the event, ensuring they know where to go and what to do.
- Technical Chairs will be expected to host a pre-contest meeting to review competition details and ensure a clear understanding among all participants.
- Technical chairs must bring a Laptop with a USB 3.0 port to the state conference.
Scoring Process
Please adhere to the following steps for accurate scoring:
- Complete the printed scorecards during the competition.
- Complete the Contest Ranking sheet (provided in the packet)
- Input scoring data on the Excel sheet provided on the USB.
- Return all contest materials to Adam Scroggins at the SkillsUSA headquarters. For any inquiries, you can reach him at 360-710-5102.
Contest Supplies Request Form – Coming Soon
Judge a Competition
We are always looking for judges in industry and leadership.
As a judge, you get to sit down with multiple students throughout the day and watch their skills unfold. It is so important to note, that the students have spent all year working, honing their skills, and becoming a master in their trade. You get to have the first look at that years hard work. They come ready to impress and eager to learn.