SkillsUSA Washington

Last Call to Register for NLSC 2024!

Registration Closes May 7th at 5:00 PM (PST)

Zero exceptions will be made to this deadline!

How to Register:

  1. Pay your outstanding invoices
  2. Register in the Registration System HERE
  3. Complete the NLSC Commitment Form HERE
  4. Register for your Hotel Reservations on the registration page (for support booking your hotel, utilize the Training Document HERE)
  5. Once Steps 1-4 are completed, we will invoice you directly. Be patient.
  6. Book your flights
  7. Download the WA NLSC App HERE
  8. To learn more visit the NLSC Microsite HERE


All State conference invoicing for hotel and registration and any other outstanding invoices must be paid in full prior to travel to NLSC – No exceptions. Just like the State conference please expect a personalized invoice from our state office. Please ensure your billing contact is updated.

Due to the increased cost of NLSC travel and accommodations we are ensuring we keep costs as absolute low as possible, hence the above lowered registration fees. However with this, in addition to the above we are separating hotel cost and will itemize the rooming separately on invoice. This way you can be assured as we are only charging for rooms used. This will allow freedom to each school to choose how you would like to coordinate your housing assignments. You will need to make your own housing reservations through passkey (training linked above). We will invoice you for your total NLSC Bill.

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