New Opportunity! Part-Time Technician Assistant & Apprentice at Seattle Injector Co.
Seattle Injector Co.
$20/Hour, up to 20 hours/week. Open to all ages, including students. Under 18, depending on their education history!
Job Description: Assist diesel fuel system technicians in their daily tasks, including front counter reception, receiving and following up mail and phone calls and questions, ordering, receiving & handling parts and other deliveries, redelivering and shipping repaired parts, preparing and entering customer work orders, bills, and invoices, and assisting our experienced technicians.
Apprentice Opportunity: Be willing to learn from our experienced technicians how to clean, test and rebuild diesel pumps and injectors and run computer-controlled test machines, and to perform those tasks under their supervision as experience grows.
Job Location: 1410 Airport Way South, Seattle, WA 98134
About Seattle Injector Co: Seattle Injector has been serving the Northwest since 1942. We take pride in doing quality diesel fuel injection repair and service work. Our technicians are experts at listening to our customers’ needs and providing technical help for marine, agriculture, industrial, and transportation systems. We are an authorized dealer for Bosch, Stanadyne, DENSO, ZEXEL, Delphi, and AMBAC.